
Courses in Fall 2024:


Former courses at UM (Fall 2008 - Fall 2022)

  • CSC 322: C Programming and UNIX, Spring 2009
  • CSC 329: Introduction to Game Programming, Spring 2009 - 2024 w/o S19  
  • CSC 405: Computer Science Seminar, Fall 2021, 2016, Spring 2018  
  • CSC 410/411/412: Computer Science Practicum (Project plan/Implementation//Internship), regularly
  • CSC 519: Programming Languages, Fall 2015, 2014, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, Spring 2013
  • CSC 545: Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2017-2023, 2012, 2009, Spring 2014,  2011  
  • CSC 645: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Spring 2011
  • CSC 751: Semantic Web, Fall 2023, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2008, Spring 2020, 2015
  • CSC 752: Autonomous Robotic Systems, Fall 2022, 2020, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2010, Spring 2010, 2017


Former courses (in Germany, U Bremen, prior to Fall 2008)

  • Undergraduates
    • Seminar zu Praktische Informatik 1 (WiSe 99/00)
    • Praktische Informatik 2 (SoSe 99)
  • Graduates
    • Vorlesungen & Übungen "Künstliche Intelligenz I" (WiSe 98/99 - WiSe 03/04)
    • Vorlesungen & Übungen "Künstliche Intelligenz II" (SoSe 99 - SoSe 04)
    • Seminar “SoccerAgents” (WiSe 99/00)
    • Graduitenkolleg (DIDOSE) Diplomanden/Doktorandenseminar (seit WiSe 98)
  • Students projects (both undergraduates and graduates (MS only)
    • B-Human: (WiSe 07/08 - SoSe 09)
    • B-Smarter: (WiSe 06/07 - SoSe 08)
    • B-Smart: (WiSe 04/05 - SoSe 06)
    • Bremen Byters: (WiSe 04/05 - SoSe 06)
    • RoboCup: (WiSe 00/01 - SoSe 02, WiSe 02/03 - SoSe 04)
