

My research specialization is in artificial intelligence. I am especially interested in the combination of symbolic and sub-symbolic technologies and apply these for the development of systems in the areas ”Semantic Web” and ”Multi- agent Systems”.


My focus in the Semantic Web area lies in the development of methods that combine terminological logics and spatio-temporal representation and reasoning techniques. The focus in the Multiagent Systems area lies in the development of techniques for agents that act in highly dynamic and real-time environments. This is challenging and offers a multitude of research potential for the future.


Semantic Web
With regard to the Semantic Web my focus lies in the development of methods that combine terminological logics and spatio-temporal representation and reasoning techniques. This type of work is interesting for users and systems that seek, integrate, and deduce various kinds of information from the Internet for complex queries.

 Keywords and application areas are:

  • Spatio-temporal representation and reasoning
  • Ontologies and terminological logics
  • Applications: Development of intelligent information integration tools and Semantic Web Challenge
  • Projects: (NEW) BD2K, RegenBase, LIFE, BioAssay Ontology, Semantic Web Challenge, meanInGs, BUSTER


Multiagent Systems (Games, Robotics & AI, RoboCup)
My focus in the Multi-Agent Systems area lies in the development of methods and techniques that recognize and predict intentions of opponents players, groups, and teams. The development of techniques in highly dynamic and real-time environments are challenging and offer a multitude of research potential for the future. For instance, work in this area is important in the development of machines that can provide support in hazardous environments. Lately, I have started work with robots that navigate under water.

Keywords and application areas are:

  • Intention recognition and prediction in adversarial environments
  • Qualitative spatial representation and reasoning
  • Applications: development of agents in dynamic and real-time environments
  • Projects: RoboViz, MoCap for Games, DFG-SPP 1125 (German Research Council project RoboCup), Moving