  • US Open 2015

  • RoboCanes

  • RoboViz, the official monitor at RoboCup competitions

  • RegenBase: spinal cord injury (SCI) research, translating SCI experimental findings in model organisms into human therapies.

  • Interactive visualization of our Drug Target Ontology (DTO)

  • RoboCanes 2018, HSR robot, @Home league

Short bio

I am a faculty in the Computer Science Department at the University of Miami. My area of expertise is Artificial Intelligence and Robotics with the focus on knowledge representation and reasoning under real-time conditions. My application areas fall within the Semantic Web and Multi-Agent Systems areas. My long-term research goal is to combine the two areas making use of technology that has been developed for one area in the other. One example for this flows into my current research proposals: the combination of autonomous intelligent agents using semantic web technology. Check out my research page for details.


My research has been funded by federal agencies in the USA, in Europe, and in Australia such as the European Commission (EC), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the Australian Research Council (ARC) as well as by industry such as Microsoft and German Telekom.


I am a member of the Editorial Board of two International Journals: the German AI journal and the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS). I have published > 150 research articles, and have been a keynote speaker at international conferences, and regularly serve as a research expert for the NASA, the European Commission, the German Research Council (DFG & BMBF), and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).


I was also involved in research and development of sports games and turn it into a commercial enterprise. We delivered a Soccer Manager Game combining real world data from professional soccer players with modern AI technology and first class 3D rendering. More details can be found on my games page.

Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ubbo Visser
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Computer Science
University of Miami


  • Publications: more than 130 scientific publications.
  • Funding: total extramural funding > 11 Million US Dollars 
    • Australia: raised $AUS: 90,000 as sole PI for ARC small and ARC collab grants in 1996/1997
    • Europe: raised 5.5 Mio Euros as PI and 1.4 Mio Euro as Co-PI (direct costs only), this would be equivalent to $9 Mio as PI and $2.3 Mio as Co-PI considering total costs and converting the funding into USD. Funding period: 1997-2008.
    • USA: raised > $1.5 Mio as Co-PI for NIH U01, R01, U54, SBIR, NSF and internal grants. Funding period: 2009-present.
  • Awards: German AI award for best software
  • Keynotes: Keynote speaker at 6 international conferences.
  • Research seminars and panels: over 30 invited research seminars nationally and internationally; invited on 5 international conference panels.
  • Service: member of Editorial Boards for two AI journals, served on over 70 Program Conference Committees, reviewer for 10 journals, regular European Union expert in Brussels, active and leading participation in many recruiting committees, Director of Graduate Studies.
  • Mentoring (as main advisor): currently advising 5 PhD students and 2 undergraduate students; graduated 3 PhD students, graduated > 20 Master students, and supervised > 30 undergraduate students (many of whom went on to earn graduate degrees with scholarships at good universities).
  • Teaching: teach classes since 1991, prepped 6 new classes at UM since 2009, both on the graduate and undergraduate level.


Curriculum Vitae

You can download my Curriculum Vitae here [PDF].